For Women That Want The Firm Neckline Of Their 20's...

How I Restored The Sagging Skin On My Neck To A New Sculpted Neckline
By Removing 20 Years Of Aging In Just Days Using the “Platysma Renew" Secret

How I Restored
The Sagging Skin
On My Neck To A
New Sculpted

By Removing 20
Years Of Aging
Just Days Using
the “Platysma

Discover How Thousands of Aging Women Are Now Firming Up Their Necks, Reducing Saggy Skin And Making Their Necklines More Beautiful Than Ever

...just like these women...

My name's Heather Adams...

And at 62, I thought that my “Turkey Neck” was something I just had to live with.

Everyone told me that having a sagging neckline was just part of the aging process, and that there was nothing that I could do about it, and I should just accept it.

So, for the last 15 years, I'd used every wardrobe trick in the book to camouflage my neckline.

See, for my face I could always...

...hide fine lines with primer and foundation...

...hide the dark circles under my eyes with a concealer...

...hide forehead lines with Botox...

But the only way to hide the sagging neck under my chin was to wear turtlenecks or scarves.

And that’s exactly what I did beginning in my late 40’s when my neckline first began sagging, up until I turned 62 –

The reason I was able to stop was because I discovered the “Platysma Renew" method which allowed me to transform my neckline from years of sagging into a firm and sculpted neck...

...and in the next few minutes I’m going to share with you this little known breakthrough that allowed me to firm and tighten my neck and chest, to reveal a beautifully contoured neckline.

Because whether you're in the early stages of "turkey neck", or if you've been struggling with a saggy neckline for years...’ll see for yourself how this instantly “beautifies and lifts” the area where most eyes are eventually drawn to - the neck area.

I used to blame my skin type, my genetics, and even my mother...

...but my jowls and crepey chest skin had nothing to do with any of those reasons.

This Helped Me Regain the Firmness and Tightness in my
Neck that I Thought I’d Never Have Again.

...and this works regardless of how old you are, whether you're in your 30’s or 70’s, you can have a firmer and smoother neckline.

And once you learn how easy it is to firm-up the sagging skin around your neck and décolletage, then you’ll never have to worry again about....

...resorting to a creative wardrobe to conceal a drooping neckline...

...or the fear of wearing low-cut or v-neck tops that shows a crinkled upper chest....

...or being caught in embarrassing situations because of a saggy neckline... like I used to be.

And if I hadn’t experienced that awkward moment with my daughter and seen that humiliating picture... then I never would have discovered the “Platysma Renew” method...

... and it was that “confidence-crushing” photo...

That ultimately led me to an incredible discovery that removed the sagging skin around my neck... and could help YOU do the same in as little as just 7 minutes from now

“Why did you HIDE my NECKLINE?!”

...that’s what I said under my breath to her as I tried to keep my composure.

I was visiting my daughter Tina to catch up after her wedding to hear all about her honeymoon...

...and then I saw “the picture”, on full display atop Tina and Troy's mantle, revealing my worst fears, because my secret, which I thought I hid well, was now out in the open for everyone to see..

Tina had “modified” the picture that was now staring back at me.

And just a few months prior, things had already begun to get awkward...

Tina had been glowing with anticipation for her wedding day...

...but I was dreading it.

I was trapped in a feeling of despair that was inescapable.

See... wasn't because of the groom, Troy was an amazing match for Tina... wasn't because of Troy’s parents, they were kind, generous and true "Southern Gems"...

...and it wasn't because I was transitioning from being the central mother figure to merely a bystander...

I dreaded that day because I knew what I’d be asked to do, and I was scared to death...

... of the family wedding photo shoot.

My stomach was in perpetual knots just knowing I’d be standing alongside the bridal party...

And there was no way out.

Honestly, I never thought I was any more vain than the next woman...

...but, I always paid extra attention to my appearance because I know “how we look” matters - both to me and to others, and that’s why I felt extra sensitive about my... neckline.

Over the years, my physical appearance had changed... was subtle at first, and it kind of sneaked up on me, so I hardly noticed when it began.

But as the years passed, changes began to be more noticeable...

...the lines on my face had gotten deeper...

...the skin around my jawline began drooping...

...and the skin around my neck began sagging.

So when Tina and Troy announced their wedding, I was excited for them, but felt a wave of anxiety flow over me because of how I looked.

Was I being vain? Yes, I won’t deny it...

But let me explain.

Truthfully, I’d become very self-conscious about the jowls and sagging neckline I'd developed.

And my friends would always tell me that it wasn't so bad, that it was "hardly noticeable" or that I was making too big of a deal about it.

But I knew better.

And while they were just being good friends, my jowls made me look years older than I actually was, which made me feel insecure and less confident.

In fact, I've struggled with signs of premature aging since my 30’s...

...when I first saw the consequences of the sun-bathing I’d done...

...and started noticing lines forming around my eyes... skin had not yet lost its elasticity, but it certainly needed more moisturizing...

And as I reached my 40’s...

...I saw those same lines around my eyes begin to deepen...

...while noticing the skin on my face start to lose its firmness...

...and I had my first encounter with “diet-face” after losing weight...

Then when the 50’s came...

...the skin on my face was really losing its elasticity and began drooping...

...sagging skin settled into areas of my face that made me look tired and worn out...

...and my neck’s skin had seemed to have surrendered to gravity... the sculpted neckline I once had appeared to be lost forever.

That’s when I learned all about "Turkey-Neck"...or “Tech-Neck” as some refer to what happens from looking down at our phones and devices throughout the day.

See, it was my drooping skin, particularly below the chin, spanning the neck and upper chest, that became the source of my terrible anxiety.


...I discovered this breakthrough...

...because once I found out how to instantly achieve a firmer and more sculpted neckline, I felt rejuvenated, like a more youthful and radiant version of myself because...

...I could now wear any type of blouses and v-necks that I wanted to, without worrying about any sagging neck skin... skin hard firmed up and tightened giving my jawline a more contoured look...

...and my self-esteem returned because of my new firmer neckline.

But before I found this breakthrough... face was well on its way to becoming something I feared most...

I always knew that one day I’d look like my mother,
I just never thought it would happen so soon...

...And just the thought of that made me feel guilty, because as a little girl, I remember being complimented, “you look just like your mother!”, and that made me feel so proud...

But then I grew up, got older, and saw the transition begin to take shape...

...I’d often find myself checking the firmness of the skin under my chin... “lifting” the skin with the back of my hand, trying to measure how much worse it had gotten.

And so I did my best to try and hide my sagging neckline...

I mean, I tried every type of moisturizing and skin-firming technique and product I could find...

...and I kept running into dead ends.

I’d even considered “minor” cosmetic procedures to tighten and firm-up the skin around the chin and neck...

...but that was too expensive and required multiple visits at over $1,000 per “procedure”!

And before I found this...

...I used to think the “jowls” around my neck and chin were something I’d have forever...

...and be destined to wear scarves to cover up, no matter the season...

...or wait for the inevitable glance at my neck (which was not meant to admire my necklace!)...

...or accept the role I wasn’t ready for – looking more and more like my mother.

And as much as I searched for a solution, NOTHING WORKED...

Until I found the breakthrough that THOUSANDS of WOMEN are now using to fight back against sagging necks, jowls and the dreaded “turkey neck”...

Which is why, if you’ve been struggling with sagging skin around your neck... loss of elasticity and firmness around the neckline and “crinkly” thin skin on your upper chest... then this letter may be the most important thing you read today.

Because I’m about to share with you the surprising reason why so many women over 40 start getting “turkey neck”... and why you don’t have to settle for saggy skin on the neck any longer...

And in just a moment...’ll see how the “Platysma Renew" secret will restore your neck from sagging skin into a contoured neck, allowing you to have a beautiful neckline just like you had in your 20’s...

Like Julie A. who at 57 and after giving birth to three amazing children, says she

"Often struggled with sagging skin around her chin", now she's told she looks years younger when she meets people. "They can't believe my real age!"

The Shocking Wedding Photo & My Fight Against the
'Saggy Neck Curse' That Followed...

But I was painfully reminded of my neckline...

Because Tina had removed all evidence of my sagging neck from the wedding photos by covering my neck with a... scarf!

My secret wasn’t just out... EVERYONE was aware of my sagging neck!

My neckline wasn’t going to get better on its own and time certainly wasn’t on my side...

And I feared that...

...gravity would accelerate the neck sagging...

...the loose neck skin would get to a point where even scarves couldn’t hide it...

...and the flabby skin around my neck and jawline would just get worse.

I couldn’t undue the wedding photo, but I could choose to try and find a solution for my saggy neck.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands and find out how I could firm up my neck...

...and the discovery I finally made allowed me to transform my neckline into a beautiful contoured neck without...

...without having any type of invasive cosmetic surgery...

...without having to spend THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive cosmetics...

...and without getting laser treatment, microneedling or painful injections.

And while I loved my mother dearly, I was terrified I’d suffer from the same “saggy neck gene” that she had...

and be destined to have to live with my skin drooping for the rest of my life.

But what I found wasn’t linked to my mother at all...

...because the root cause of sagging neck skin had nothing to do with what I thought it did...

In fact...

Scientists From Harvard University Recently Discovered That Sagging, Droopy And Crepey Neck Skin Isn’t Necessarily Caused By Genetics, Sun Damage or Age As We've Been Led To Believe...

Rather it has to do with what scientists refer to as the “Derma-Dormant Clog” problem which affects how blood flow is distributed to the neck’s skin and muscles.

And in a few seconds you’ll discover how the simple “Platysma Renew” Method “unclogs” the neck skin so you can have a firmer and more youthful looking neck...

...the same neckline that you had in your 20’s.

  • Just like 57 year old Cindy...

  • Like Tricia,
    at age 61

  • ...or like Mary who’s 64 years old.

...In fact, all you have to do is this one simple thing
that will allow you to firm-up your sagging neckline...


The following statements are backed by decades of peer-reviewed research. Read on to learn more...

And that’s where my journey took me that led me to this discovery...

Los Angeles... where I experienced for myself how to restore my neck’s skin back to its original firmness.

My search took me to a cosmetic convention in Los Angeles, and that’s when I first met Lilly and her nephew Kai.

We met during a lunch break and, being similar in age, Me and Lilly hit it off. Her skin looked amazing! I would never have guessed her age (early 60’s) and she could easily pass for her thirties...

Lilly was there as her nephew Kai’s guest...

Kai was a budding researcher and scientist at a major cosmetic company, but was looking for a change because he wasn’t being fulfilled at his current job.

As he told me, "I thought I'd be at the forefront of anti-aging science, but I got stuck doing more admin work instead of my true passion: research."

And since his heart was truly in research, he dedicated most of his free time studying anti-aging causes and treatments.

I shared my story with them because, well, I had nothing to lose...

...frankly, I felt like this must have been “fate” meeting them both...

And to sit down with an anti-aging researcher to finally get answers about my sagging neck was something I had to take advantage of.

But what Kai described next was both shocking and eye-opening...

Kai continued saying how...

...the reason that women experienced sagging in their neck starting in their 30’s and 40’s and then accelerating in their 50’s and 60’s, was because of this unique underlying problem... and some women are more susceptible than others to getting it...

...If You Have Loose Skin Around Your Neckline
Chances Are You Might Be One Of These Women

See, science has known that causes of facial wrinkles come from: collagen loss, elastin loss, hormonal changes, and prolonged sun exposure...

But even though women tend to develop a sagging neck around the same time facial wrinkles begin, the causes of each are quite different.

The reason the neck sags, droops, and has a “fatty” look has nothing to do with the reasons why you get facial wrinkles, because...

Aging Changes in Skin caused by Collagen Loss, Elastin Loss, Prolonged Sun Exposure

Because the muscle-to-skin balance has changed, and it’s not only because of lower estrogen levels...

I thought it was because of Menopause
until I found out about this...

Then Kai shared a surprising revelation ...

Your face has over 40 “micro-muscles”, which when you think about it makes sense, because your face has to do everything from chewing food to showing different emotions...

...and each of those muscles are attached to facial skin. So they act as “mini-motors” helping blood flow to the skin.

And this is important because healthy skin thrives on good blood flow.

But the neck, on the other hand, has one primary muscle, called the Platysma, that sits behind the thick skin of the neck...

...and since this muscle isn’t as active, blood flow to the neck takes a back seat when compared to the face...

...and that’s why lesser blood flow limits the natural rejuvenation of the skin on the neck...

But what’s more is...

The neck’s skin and Platysma muscle can “grow apart” over time, causing the skin to separate from the muscle to create that “sagging” look in the neck – and this can be a noticeable problem for many women...

Let me explain...

Your skin has “connecting bands” called Septa, and these bands attach themselves to the platysma muscle...

So the Septa basically fastens the neck skin to the Platysma muscle.

But if the Septa weakens, it loses connection to the muscle, which leads to sagging and drooping skin.

On top of that...

As women age their estrogen levels decrease, and that can lead to a “fatty neck” look...

Because one of the things that estrogen does is distribute “healthy fat” proportionately, and that healthy fat is what gives a “plump and youthful” definition to the face...

But with less estrogen, that same fat ends up just accumulating in areas of the neck, giving the appearance of having a “fatty neck”.

And this is why you need a UNIQUE TREATMENT method for your
SAGGING NECK and JOWLS than what you use on your face...

What Kai described made a lot of sense to me, so I asked him:

“How can women treat a saggy neckline?”

Then Kai’s mood seemed to change...

“Women can firm-up their skin, because science has developed a NEW and INNOVATIVE treatment” he said.

That’s amazing! I thought, “So how can I get this treatment?”

And that’s when things took a turn...

Kai folded his arms, and leaning back in his chair, explained that...

He’d identified specific ingredients and compounds that could firm, moisturize, lift, and tighten the skin...

...and so he thought he had the perfect “next big product” idea for his cosmetic company...

But when he brought his idea to management, the response he got back was less than positive, in fact, his proposal was rejected.

“Off the record”, he was told, the new product would jeopardize the company’s bottom line, because once women saw the incredible effects, they wouldn’t have the need to buy anything else – the amazing results would overshadow the other products.

So my first thought was to just buy all the products that were on Kai’s ingredients list, but as he pointed out, that would mean spending hundreds, even a thousand dollars or more just for a month's supply...

Instead, Kai told me he had a better idea.

"How about lunch tomorrow? There's something special I'd like to share with you."

I smiled and agreed, “I’ll see you then!”.

The time and place was set for tomorrow, and that night back in my hotel room, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander, what if Kai was right?

...What if Kai really discovered a way to firm-up a sagging skin?

...What if I could have a tighter and more contoured neck?

...What if I could lift and rejuvenate the skin along my jawline?

The next day I got to the restaurant 20 minutes early, got seated and waited...

...and I wore a scarf over my neck as I often did to hide the drooping skin on it.

The anticipation inside me grew until Kai and Lily walked in.

And as the menus were given to us, Kai placed a small jar on the table...

“This” he said, “is what I call Platysma Renew”.

Both Kai and Lily sat back and smiled...

...Because this was the same custom formulation that Lily and other women had been using that gave them a rejuvenated look and beautifully contoured neck and jawlines.

Kai explained how he got motivation for his idea after reading a study by Harvard scientists... They’d developed a “compound stack” of elements that “helped reverse aging... within a week, by rejuvenating old cells within muscles and tissues.”

And it got him thinking, what if...

What if he could apply that same concept to aging skin, because although anti-aging science was advancing much faster than anyone expected... just wasn’t fast enough for women struggling with sagging necklines, jowls, and “crepey” skin, because the product didn’t exist... yet.

The idea of a “revolutionary cream”, helping thousands of women restore their neck’s skin back to a firmer and smoother neckline, was something he’d be energized to develop.

Because, he believed, “if I could combine the correct elements into one formulation I might be able to rejuvenate the skin and have a solution that could firm up and even “sculpt” the jawline and neck.

So he began looking for compounds and ingredients that could help sagging and drooping skin.

And that led him to three primary compounds, the “Super Trio” as he referred to them.

Matrixyl 3000™

First, was Matrixyl 3000™, a set of peptides called “palmitoyl tripeptide-1” and “palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7”,

These two peptides are known to “reverse aging, as well as damage caused by exposure to the sun”. A study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology reported a stunningly and also “Skin hydration, elasticity, and firmness increased”1

Once he identified the ingredients to firm up the skin and to increase its elasticity, he needed to add a moisturizer...

Saccharide Isomerate

Kai chose “Saccharide Isomerate”, for its moisturizing effect that’s so robust it’s known as “the water magnet” by Dermatologists, and when paired with the two peptides above, stimulated even more collagen creation.

And then the final thing he needed was the compound to reduce wrinkles and repair the skin...

...and that’s when he added the next amazing ingredient...

Retinyl Palmitate

And “Retinyl Palmitate

Excited with this first formulation he tested it... but it didn’t work.

So he returned to his research and dug deeper...

And then it dawned on him and Kai realized what was missing...

The only thing that was missing was the application and absorption into the skin, because the absorption has to reach the depth of the thick layers of the neck’s skin to begin to rejuvenate.

“You can try it for yourself”, Kai said...”pinch your face skin and then pinch your neck skin, you’ll notice the difference in thickness”...

If he could figure out how to get the absorption deeper into the thick neck skin, then the three compounds would work in harmony...

And that’s when Kai remembered reading about the ancient uses of a plant called Salvia Sclarea (the Clary plant) and its medicinal properties...

...and how the plant's oil was used for its anti-inflammatory and absorption-enhancing properties... when he finally combined Clary oil, that’s when he saw the magic happen.

Kimberly W. from Wisconsin, told me she hasn't had as many men checking her out like this since she was in her 20's...

"I notice more heads turn when I go to my favorite coffee shop and I laugh to myself thinking if they only knew!"

“Try Platysma Renew for yourself,” Kai said, handing the small jar of his formulation to me.

I thanked Kai and Lily and practically ran out of the restaurant!

I didn’t wait till I got back to my hotel room, I was so excited that once I got to my car, I pulled off my scarf, and gently massaged the cream into my neck and under my chin...

...between you and me, I can still remember that exciting moment, looking in the car's visor mirror. The cream felt smooth, luxurious, and I knew it was different than anything I’d tried before!

And immediately my neck’s skin felt softer, rejuvenated, with an instant sensation of subtle firmness... I couldn’t believe it!

The next day though, is when I began to notice change...

Because when I woke up the next morning, I paused at the vanity and looked at my reflection...

...and then I walked closer to the mirror, and at first thought it was my imagination, so I then leaned in further to look at my neckline.

And overnight, my neckline was smoother, firmer and even my jawline appeared enhanced!

Then as the days went by, my neckline completely improved...

And it only got better from there...

By the end of the first week the fine lines on my neck were fading, the overall skin tone became more even and radiant, and the sagging skin on my neck was beginning to tighten and firm up... I was feeling a new sense of confidence seeing the change happening!

And then at the end of the first month I saw a significant reduction of neck lines and creases. My jawline appeared more contoured and defined. My neck skin was firmer and more elastic, almost springy to the touch... and I began feeling empowered and eagerly waited for more dramatic changes!

And after the third month, the scarf was history... and instead, I was showing off my new necklace!

I’d finally boxed up my scarves because the transformation was incredible!

I looked 20 years younger and felt empowered, like I’d taken control of time itself - writing my own storyline of age and beauty!

But I never expected the joy and excitement that was to follow...

...because my self-confidence increased at the same time of my beauty transformation.

And every new moment seemed to be filled with positivity... I’d signed up for pickleball at the community center, I began sleeping better, and I even noticed younger men glancing at me like they did when I was in my 30’s!

But the best part is what happened next.

I met my daughter Tina for coffee, and as I approached her sitting at a table in the corner, I saw her eyes widened... “Mom, why aren’t you wearing your scarf... wait, Mom did you have work done on your neck!?”...

“NO!” I laughed... “it’s Kai and Lily's Platysma Renew” ! And then went on to share details of my discovery.

And it didn’t stop there...

Because when I tell people my real age, they can’t believe it.

I often get told I look 10 or 20 years younger.

Amazing right? But the crazy thing is, it’s not just me who’s had these incredible results.

Because Kai and Lily have helped countless other women enjoy firmer, smoother, and more radiant looking neck skin...

...and become the envy of their friends!

Beth M. at 55 shared with me how her confidence is through the moon now...

"I feel so blessed, I look amazing and my neck is firm and my profile is more contoured"... "I never thought I'd get these but I did, thank you!"

I had almost lost hope and then I discovered Kai's "Platysma Renew" breakthrough and my neck has firmed up and looks absolutely amazing!

Diana, 66, California

I used to have to cover-up using scarves or turtlenecks, I feel liberated now and my confidence is back! Thank you!

Brenda, 62, New York

I know everything so far sounds amazing right? Well, it’s about to get better!

This neck treatment is completely safe for all women – because it has zero side effects.

And as you’ll see in just a moment, it’s very affordable... and can work for any woman as well.

And that's important because...

...I know what it's like to be in an embarrassing situation and feeling stuck like there’s nothing you can do about it...

...but after discovering this “wonder treatment” and knowing that living with sagging skin can be a thing of the past, you should have access to this too.

These clinical studies proves how amazing this treatment really is

We now have solid evidence demonstrating the undeniable success of this breakthrough...

A recent study published by the National Library of Medicine revealed that “wrinkles improved significantly at day 30... and chin texture improved significantly” and a whopping

Just think, as you look each day in the mirror, watching the skin on your neck get firmer and your jawline becoming more defined...

...then you’ll be filled with a sense of new self-worth and empowerment for the first time in a long time... you finally realize that the sagging skin is gone – and replaced with a firmer and more contoured neckline!

Just keep reading and I’ll show you how to enjoy results like this in as little as a few days from now.

But first, check out what Harvard Health had to say...

A recent article published in Harvard Health found the super trio ingredients to “reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen”... and further “fading age spots and softening rough patches of skin” occurred.4

What this boils down to is that this formula is a game-changer for women like us, offering us a chance to firm-up our necklines and rejuvenate our skin by turning back the clock 10, 15, and even 20 years.

Just look at these incredible beauty transformations...

There's 64 year old Angie W. who after only a few weeks of using the neck cream said

"My husband can't believe the difference"... "and my friends say I look at least ten years younger, and it's only been a few weeks!"

Now you’ve seen the difference with your own eyes!

All these women have turned back the clock from 10, 15, to even 20 years... and their family and friends are simply in awe of the changes (and a bit jealous too!).

To put it simply, this discovery has changed my life. I've tossed my scarves and changed out my wardrobe, and now I wear low cut tops I once thought were out of the question.

I’ve tried everything else that’s on the market – spending thousands of dollars, and every time ending in disappointment...

...but THIS discovery changed everything for me, because before I found this, I even considered one of those “neck lift” surgeries...

But thankfully I never had to try any cosmetic procedures on my neck because of this breakthrough.

This works! After just a few weeks my neck looks years younger and I've only just begun using this!

Susan C, 63, Delaware

My neck is firmer and my confidence is back!,

Jennifer A, 67, Illinois

Barbara M. who at 55 is often compared to a 35-year-old Jane Seymour... she credits her neck transformation for the compliments!

Kai has helped not just me, but so many other women as well.

And even though they each had amazing results, he knew he had limited resources to distribute Platysma Renew... and that’s where I stepped in to help him.

See, Kai’s passion is R&D... and because his formulation helped so many women regain self-confidence by improving their neck’s skin, introducing it to more women could help fund what he loved to do: research.

So I suggested he could “do both”... continue with his research, and help women's skin by sharing the Platysma Renew formulation with even more women.

And he really liked what he was hearing...

And so I asked Kai how he felt about working with me and then selecting a manufacturer to produce Platysma Renew? Because with my business background and his breakthrough we could accomplish both.

He loved the idea! ...but on one condition...

He wanted to create a product that held nothing back in the fight against aging and sagging skin... so that women, with any skin type, who used the cream could experience firmer, healthier, and more youthful neck skin.

So whether you’re just beginning to see signs of a saggy neckline, droopy skin, and your jawline is beginning to show jowls...

...or if you’ve been struggling for years with sagging skin, and “turkey neck” has made you have to cover up with scarves and turtlenecks like I used to have to do...

...the good news is – you don’t have to settle for that tired and worn-out look anymore.

And best of all, we’ve made it , because we don’t want price to come between you and rejuvenating your neckline into a more youthful and contoured look.

Unveiling the Secret to
Your Youthful Transformation...

So now I’m excited to give you the full details on it right now:

Age Brilliance is everything you need to firm up the loose skin on your neckline..

It’s the only product in the world designed with Kai’s Platysma Renew breakthrough.

Professionally manufactured in a renown, secure GMP certified facility, which meets the highest standards in product quality and safety...

It works so well in fact, that in just days you’ll see your neck skin firm-up and your jawline become more defined, revealing a new contoured smooth and healthy neckline.

And you'll feel a silkier texture on your neck as the skin naturally repairs and rejuvenates.

It doesn’t matter how old you are because Age Brilliance works for any age and for any skin type... and what you’ve tried before doesn’t matter either, because bottomline this will work for you.

Because after only a few days, you'll immediately sense your skin becoming more revitalized and tighter.

Then you’ll see the neck's skin texture even-out, and you’ll notice your profile becoming more defined...

And then with every day that passes you’ll literally see your neckline look years younger, revealing a beautiful contoured look.

And believe me, when your neck and jawline firm-up and smoothen out, you’ll start to feel younger as well!

And once you feel younger, every day will become a new experience filled with joy and happiness because your “new look” will have such a big impact on how you’ll feel.

It’s really that transformative!

And when it comes to selecting all the ingredients that make Age Brilliance so effective and powerful...

We’ve sourced only the highest quality ingredients from around the world and selected only the purest and premium elements for our you can feel confident that you're treating your skin with the absolute best.

And these ingredients have been rigorously tested, have been through clinical trials, and researched by some of the most respected universities including Harvard University, John Hopkins University, and UCLA.

And we’ve made Age Brilliance affordable, as you’ll see in a moment, so that any woman can try it for themselves.

With Age Brilliance you can have:

A firmer, more taut and smoother neckline...

Healthier, more elastic, and springier neck skin...

A sculpted jawline...

An elegant contoured neck...

And a firmer, wrinkle-free, and beautiful décolletage (upper chest).

WITHOUT the high-end price tag.

And the best part is you can have all this within just days of that your friends and family notice the change... and, don’t be surprised if you get compliments or even the occasional glance from younger men...

Because It won’t be just you noticing your new beautifully contoured neckline... they’ll say you look 10, 15, even 20 years younger and want to know your secret!

And it’s so easy... just gently massage Age Brilliance into your neck, jawline, and upper chest area once a day and then let it work... won’t take long for you to join so many other women now raving about Age Brilliance and their incredible results!

But still, here’s a special surprise for you that makes Age Brilliance even BETTER at rejuvenating and firming-up your neckline...

The Platysma Renew breakthrough has the foundation of the “Super Trio” anti-aging and neck firming compounds plus an additional SEVEN more firming, smoothing, and anti-wrinkle ingredients

We wanted to create the ultimate neck-firming and lifting formulation, and Kai was eager to make his Platysma Renew even MORE powerful and effective...

...and when you see the results of his new and improved advanced formulation, you’ll be blown away!

So when Kai added these additional ingredients...

Women began to see even faster results!

Because individually, science proves their effectiveness, but when combined, they work in harmony to lift and firm the neck’s skin...

I can’t wait any longer to tell you about these additional ingredients and how amazing they are, so if you let me, I’ll show you them right now...

The first one is Hydrolyzed Soy Protein.

I’m 56 and a mother of two. After losing 40 pounds, I noticed extra skin around my neck area. I was able to firm up the skin using Platysma Renew...

Samantha J ...56 year old mother of two.

I am a 67-year-old who found myself staying indoors and avoiding going out. Now, I call myself a "social butterfly" and am busier than ever in my community...

Jackie Z ...the “social butterfly” at age 67.

At 58, I struggled with "turkey neck" for years. I tried everything available, but the only product that brought me success was Kai's Platysma Renew...

Jenna D 58 finally got rid of “turkey neck”.

And this isn’t just any protein, it acts as a guardian of your skin's elasticity...

First, it This special protein has a natural tightening and firming effect to keep your neck skin smooth and firm.

And what's more is, it’s also a rich source of Isoflavones.

See, Isoflavones act like estrogen, so when estrogen levels drop from hormonal changes like menopause, they can help fill in the gap.

In fact a recent study proves just how effective they are... after Isoflavone treatment. 5 In other words, it’s incredibly effective in firming, restoring elasticity, and rejuvenating the skin for women as they age!

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein isn’t just good for tightening and firming your skin, it’s also good for soothing the skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Sheila L. a 56 mother of two... who after losing 40 pounds suddenly had extra skin around her neck area, and then was able to firm up the skin using Platysma Renew...

Kai knew that hydrolyzed soy protein was just the beginning, and he wanted to include an antioxidant for a layer of skin protection and that’s why he added a unique form of Vitamin E.

Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E)

The next ingredient Kai Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) is cherished for its powerful antioxidant properties...

...Because it helps shield the skin from free radicals that can cause DNA damage, premature aging, and even skin cancer...

By penetrating deep into the skin, this Vitamin E not only helps protect your skin from damage due to ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke, and air pollution, but also

Put simply, it acts as your skin's protective barrier by warding off environmental threats while revitalizing your skin from the inside out.

This next ingredient is packed with natural properties which made it an obvious choice to include...

Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter

Shea butter, which comes from the shea tree and is native to Africa, is known for its natural moisturizing, anti-aging, and antioxidant properties.

You may have heard that Shea butter is used for sunburns or rashes, but research has found that it also helps stimulate the production of collagen to create younger-looking skin.


And then these next to amazing primary ingredients...

The next two ingredients work with EACH OTHER
to become even more effective at lifting and
firming your neck skin

The first nutrient is Serenoa Serrulata (Saw Palmetto) . An extract from the berries of the palm tree called saw palmetto, native to the West Indies...

Besides balancing the skin's oiliness and helping the skin maintain a natural complexion...

...when combined with the next nutrient a synergistic effect emerges to enhance the health of your skin.

Because Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, the second ingredient, is rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium, and zinc...

Making it on its own an excellent moisturizer...

...but when these two nutrients are combined, a union is formed to deeply moisturize and uphold the skin's elasticity... firming and hydrating the neck's skin.

There's Mary S. who despite being 61, was mistaken for being her 32 year old son's sister.

It started with the “Super Trio” ingredients of the
Platysma Renew breakthrough, now here’s the final
highlighted nutrients

Kai added these ingredients specifically to give Age Brilliance its final boost to give you beautiful, firmer and smoother neck skin.

Theobroma cacao Seed Butter

Theobroma cacao Seed Butter, commonly known as cacao butter and when used on the skin, helps to soften and smooth... and also has skin healing abilities...

...because of its fatty acids, it's been known to heal dry skin while improving skin elasticity...

...and this is important because of the tendency for the neck skin to dry out faster than the skin on your face.

This nutrient “locks in” moisture yet also protects the skin from harmful toxins, harsh winds, and even certain harmful bacteria... essentially acting as a defensive layer for the neck’s skin.

Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil.

Then there’s the final ingredient Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil.

An excellent moisturizer on its own because of its rich fatty acids, this nutrient also contains lauric acid...

...and what’s amazing about that is it means an added layer of protection because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties which fights against harmful microorganisms.

But perhaps the most important is its restorative properties which promote healing... because as your skin tightens and firms up, this nutrient aids in healing and rejuvenating the skin to a vibrant and healthy complexion.

With The Platysma Derma Breakthrough, The “Super Trio” Primary Ingredients, And The Seven Other Potent Nutrients You’ve Seen,

You Can Finally Have A Firmer More Beautiful Neckline
In As Little As 7 Days

So to summarize...

The cause of loose neck skin, jowls and sagging neck... is because the blood flow to the neck skin gets “clogged” as we age...

... and the neck's skin “grows apart” from the neck muscle called the Platysma, causing that “fatty-look” to appear under the chin...

And Kai’s Platysma Renew “unclogs” the necks skin with the “Super Trio” compound plus seven other crucial nutrients your necks skin needs to...

...firm-up sagging skin, remove droopy jowls, and smoothen-out the skin along the jawline to give it a more detailed and defined look..

And once your neck's skin has regained its firmness, tightness, and smoother texture, you’ll experience a boost in self-esteem, feel empowered, and have a brighter outlook.


You’ve heard my personal story...

... you’ve seen first-hand how hundreds of women are already raving about the Platysma Renew breakthrough...

... and you’ve seen the proven-science behind every ingredient inside Age Brilliance...

So here’s something to think about...

30 days from today two things will happen...

...You’ll either be 30 days older with the same neckline that’s only getting worse, or you’ll be 30 days older starting to look 5, 10 and even 15 years younger.

I’m about to share the reality of aging, because it would break my heart to see you miss out on this opportunity.

The reality is, if you don’t get your hands on Age Brilliance today nothing will change. In fact, you’ll keep looking older and more tired with each day that goes by.

New sagging and drooping will appear, and in places you’ve never noticed it happening before...

The skin under your chin and on your neck will sag just a little more each morning...

And you’ll become less and less visible to other people...

But, it doesn’t need to be like this.

Because with Kai’s help, you can turn back the clock and reverse 20 years of aging in your neckline in as little as 7 days. And “WOW” your friends with a neck restored back to its prime.

It’s all because of Kai’s Platysma Renew breakthrough, the “Super Trio” ingredient blend and the seven other potent nutrients inside Age Brilliance.

And if you’re like most women who discover Age Brilliance...

You’ll want to know how to get your hands on as many jars, as fast as possible...

So here’s some great news:

Because you’ve proven you’re committed to firming up your neckline by reading this far, the next batch has been reserved for readers of this letter.

The next 300 jars of Age Brilliance
are reserved for readers of this letter...
... but you must act before they run out of stock!

Please understand, there’s only a set number of jars that can be shipped out in any single week due to manufacturing constraints...

...and because Age Brilliance is produced in small batches to ensure the highest quality, it can also mean months between batches...

In fact, because it’s so powerful and sought-after, demand often outpaces supply. Sometimes stock runs out and women are forced to wait until the next batch is produced.

Now I don’t want you to miss out.

As long as you’re one of the first 300 women who order today, you’ll receive your jar of Age Brilliance.

...and not only that, but the cost of shipping right to your doorstep is covered too. You don’t pay anything for delivery!

And even though we’re holding your Jar of Age Brilliance, the only thing we can’t do is hold it for long.

The first time we did this, we sold out within a week.

So if you’re someone who’s suffering from sagging neck skin, and if you’re someone whose skin is losing its elasticity, and if you’re someone who’s ready to get their self-confidence back...

...then you’ve already made the decision, otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far.

So let’s take everything we’ve just said about how you’ll firm-up your neckline, and how you’ll eliminate your sagging skin, and how you’ll rejuvenate your complexion... and let's make it a reality for you.

Let’s Make It A Reality That You’ll Reverse At Least
10 Years Of Aging In Your Neckline, Or You Won’t
Pay A Penny!

And all that starts as soon as you get your 1st jar so you can start applying it.

We’ll get your order of Age Brilliance in the mail as soon as you reserve your jar.

It usually takes 4 - 5 days to arrive.

And when the delivery man knocks on your door, I’m sure you’ll want to tear open the package and try it immediately!

So, go ahead.

Apply it to your neck and under your chin. And then apply it every morning.

You’ll notice a difference with each day that goes by.

You’ll start to see the sagging skin on your neck firm up...

Your loose skin will feel like it’s being erased in real-time. And your neck will look as radiant and contoured as it did when you were in your 20's.

Within the first month, people will be telling you that you’ve never looked so good.

And I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s something you’ll never want to go without again.

Because once you notice how much firmer your neckline has become, you’ll only wish you’d discovered this sooner...

Yet, if you’re not 100% amazed...

If family and friends AREN’T telling you how amazing you look...

Then you have the promise of a full, prompt refund at any point within your first 180 days of using Age Brilliance.

You won’t be asked why.

Complete Your Order Today
and Get 2 Incredible Gifts! + FREE SHIPPING

Facial Massage For Relaxation & Stress Relief

Experience the transformative power of facial massage as a practice that promotes deep relaxation, releases tension, and nurtures your overall well being...

Enjoy reading through this 35 page eBook that delves deep into relaxation techniques... you'll learn how to amplify your relaxation, aromatherapy and meditation techniques, self-care daily practices, creating the ideal tranquil environment in any situation and more...

Aging Backwards: Simple Habits to Slow the Aging Process

Embark on a journey to ageless beauty and vitality. Dive deep into the science of aging, the magic of nutrition, and the rejuvenating power of sleep.

Explore the profound mind-body connection, harness the wonders of nature, and navigate modern technology for wellness. Your comprehensive guide to radiant health and graceful aging awaits.

Sounds good? Then place your order of Age Brilliance by clicking the button below. You’ll be taken to an order page to review your order.





SAVE $110.00


TOTAL : $49.00







SAVE $360.00


TOTAL : $117.00







SAVE $615.00


TOTAL : $180.00



You risk nothing by trying Age Brilliance today, yet you could look better than ever before!

Of course, I’m convinced you’re going to see life-changing results in 30 days.

In fact, I’m living proof of it!

Yet, the best results come from longer use... that’s when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE.

See, after 3 months, people will begin to mistake you for a woman half your age.

Your friends will BEG you to share your jar of Age Brilliance with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price!

And after a few months, don’t be surprised if a younger man tries to chat you up. Of course, I’d never date a younger man, but it’s a nice compliment!

Bottomline is, the longer you use this cream the better your results and the more firmer and sculpted neckline you’ll have.

And we’ve made it as easy as possible to get the full, neck-lifting and firming effects from Age Brilliance.

When you order today, you have the choice of a 1-month, 3-months or 5-months supply.

Of course, you’re welcome to choose any option, though the biggest discount is by securing your 5-months supply.

That’s because I want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of American women are doing right now.

Once again, shipping is FREE.

And you’re covered by a 180-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 5-months supply, you’re able to get a full refund if you’re not thrilled with your new youthful looking neckline.

Click the “ORDER NOW” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

You can have your radiant youthful and firmer neckline back and become the envy of your friends for the cost of an inexpensive lunch. So why not?

I urge you: claim one of the 300 jars available today.

Click the “ORDER NOW” button below immediately.

I can’t wait to hear your success story,,





SAVE $110.00


TOTAL : $49.00







SAVE $360.00


TOTAL : $117.00







SAVE $615.00


TOTAL : $180.00



Frequently Asked Question

It’s the breakthrough led by the “super trio” of ingredients that turned a groundbreaking Harvard discovery into the most effective neck firming solution in the world.

First, it helps to “unclog” and deliver active ingredients into the thick skin of the neck with an advanced absorption process that rejuvenates and tightens the neck's skin to give it a more sculpted and defined look.

And second, the “singular” Platysma muscle that sits behind the skin of the neck, over time can “grow apart” from the skin because the Septa (small connecting bands that attaches skin to muscle) weakens over time, and along with less estrogen as women age, can result in a “fatty” (turkey neck) look on the neck. The primary ingredients in Platysma Renew help to firm and tighten that skin.

After just a few minutes you’ll notice a subtle tautness in your neck and jawline. And then fine lines will begin to fade away. And your skin will feel soft, yet firm.

Of course, using Age Brilliance every single day is the best way to achieve your defined, firm and contoured neckline look.

And every time they see you, your friends and family will be begging for your secret...

And you won’t go a week without being mistaken for a woman half your age!

This is why having just one jar of Age Brilliance is good, but having a 3-months supply is even BETTER...

The team at Age Brilliance knows how much you’re going to love your new, defined, firm, and contoured look...

Which is why they have put together a special bundle package for Age Brilliance customers only...

That’ll help you SAVE BIG when you stock up today...

YES! Age Brilliance contains ingredients scientifically-proven to work on anyone. Whether you’re 30 or 70. No matter your skin type or your ethnicity.

I understand you might be skeptical. I mean, the results I’ve shown you today are truly incredible. But I promise you, Age Brilliance will work for YOU!

Yet, I understand you’ll only be convinced once you’ve tried it and seen the difference for yourself. So I want you to feel totally comfortable that you’re not risking a penny when you order today.

That’s why we have what we think is the “Best Guarantee in the World”, which is a full 180-day money-back-guarantee.

It’s simple: you can try Age Brilliance and if you're not totally thrilled, simply call or email the team and they’ll return every penny you pay today.

You don’t need to provide a reason why, you’ll just get an easy, hassle-free refund of the full price you pay today.

It’s easy! Just click the “ORDER NOW” button Above.

You’ll be taken to the secure order page. It takes just two minutes to complete.

Once you’re finished, the Age Brilliance team will get your jar into the mail as soon as possible. You’ll have it in your hands within 3 - 5 days.